Friday, December 4, 2009

Just to balance things out

Since I've been focusing (or not focusing?) on being out of focus (ha..that was a funny sentence)....I might as well balance things out and try to do the opposite for a little bit.

With the help of a tripod and the highest f stop, I was able to get some flare off of the lights on the tree. Its still not as significant as I would like it to be, but I haven't quite figured out how to make it better.

Now, I really need to stop taking pics of the tree and finish decorating it, as well as finish decorating the rest of my house!!


Heath said...

These photos are great! Here is a photo of our Christmas tree:

Isn't it pretty? And non-existent? The 60s do not make me want to go find a Christmas tree...

Nate, Megan, Naomi and Levi said...

Awesome pictures! I am continually impressed with your photography skills. :)

Anonymous said...

These are GREAT!!!