Wednesday, January 13, 2010

More Anna!

Chris and Kim were GREAT sports, letting me put Anna anywhere I could think of that would make a cute picture! We even tried to put her in a mailbox (inside of course)...but there was just something about being put back into such a tight space that made Anna a bit unsettled:) It would have been super cute...but I think we ended up coming up with some other cute ideas.

She was nice and sleepy at first, which made for some easy positioning and placement for a few cute pictures. After a break for some lunch and a diaper change she was nice and awake for a few wide eyed shots. She kept wanting to fall back asleep...all this modeling was surely making her exhausted! We waited patiently for those beautiful eyes to pop back open...and we were glad that we did!

I got many pictures (MANY more on smugmug)...I'll try to choose only a few to share here:)


Kann said...

These came out amazing! I looked at all of them!!!! I am so jealous!

Anonymous said...

GREAT photos!