Thursday, December 3, 2009

My husband doesn't get this.

I'm learning that maybe it is just photographers who think this is cool...but I just can't get enough of Christmas tree light bokeh. Josh is very encouraging about my photography in general...but when it comes to pictures like this

..he looks at me with this look of complete confusion. I'm all smiles thinking "isn't this great?!" and he just shrugs his shoulders wondering why I am so excited about all those little blurry dots.

This got me thinking...why am I so excited about the blurry dots?

I don't have an answer. So...maybe I am crazy?

Oh well:)


Adam D said...

Well, your awesome 35mm lens makes some beautiful, very round blurry dots, thanks to a well constructed diaphragm. Whereas when I take a similar shot with my cheapo 50mm f1.8 the blurry dots are distinctly shaped like pentagons, thanks to cheap diaphragm construction. So, even if Josh doesn't get the beauty inherent in some nice bokeh, maybe he can at least appreciate that it's a way for you to show off to other photographers the exceptional glass you shoot with :)