Ahhhh...October. The best month of the year. Not only is it my birthday month...but it is also the birth month of my firstborn and third born. October also brings with it the best weather and prettiest landscape.
What better way to celebrate October (and my birthday) but with a new camera!! I've had my D40 for four years and I can't even begin to guess how many pictures I've taken with it during that time. The D40 was a GREAT investment and has proven its worth time and time again. It was time though, for me to upgrade as I have been beginning to do more photography for more people (outside of my own family).
After researching, I came to the conclusion that the D7000 was the right upgrade for me (and my price range!). It has many cool features that are not available on the D40 and most of all it has even more customization options and most of the usual functions (f-stop, ISO, white balance etc) are just one click of a button away (rather than a process of scrolling through menu's like with the D40). It has 16 megapixels compared to the D40's six! It has 39 focus points as compared to the D40's three. It has two SD card slots, a bigger review screen, the option of live view, it shoots video and is just an overall faster camera.
With all that said, I wish I could run the thing!
I knew that a new camera would have a learning curve. I was expecting some work to learn where how to change the functions and how to navigate the new menus etc. I was NOT expecting this camera to react completely differently! It's hard to explain...but lets just say, I'm having issues:)
In my own defense...I've only had the camera for a little over 24 hours and every single hour of this has been raining or super dark. The lighting has been horrific for any kind of photography so that has forced me to really try to 'work it' and mess with all the possible options. I know how to get the most light in the camera by changing settings and things like that...but this camera is just different than I'm used to!
I knew my D40. I could walk in a room and assess the light and immediately know what fstop I would need coupled with the proper ISO and shutter speed. I am also quite familiar with the different auto white balance settings and could usually tell right away if I could use one of those options or if I would have to reset the white balance manually. When I clicked the shutter button I could HEAR whether or not it was going to be a good shot. If all of those functions are set correctly, you can just HEAR it!
The problem I am having with the D7000 is that it has SO many options. I had ISO options of 200, 400, 800 and 1600 on my D40. The D7000 has a gazillion more...and I have no idea how 'noisy' any of them are. The D40 had 3 focus points...and limited autofocus options. The D7000 has 39 focus points and probably 10 different options as to how to use them.
I do feel like I've started over a bit and because I wasn't completely expecting that, I will admit, I am a little frustrated. But...I know I'll get it. I will.
I am eagerly waiting for tomorrow as it is supposed to be a beautiful sunny day and I'm hoping to have a bit of my confidence renewed. We'll see.
I will share the "best of the best" that I've gotten out of my camera. It's sad..really, it is. I get one somewhat in focus picture out of probably 8 at this point. That's just not good enough...especially when you are doing photoshoots like the one I did last week (with my D40 fortunately) of 8 preschool kids (and some siblings). There is a VERY short attention span there....and in order to do that right you need to get that focus and exposure/metering right on way more than 1 out of 8 times!
Here are a few "sotc" (straight out of the camera) pictures...taken in horrible light, inside...of my kids in their jammas with bedhead:)
Rest assured...if you were to book a photoshoot with me in the near future, I will come with my D40 in hand (after I borrow it back from my mom who is its proud owner now!). I will not photograph any paying customer with my new camera until I am confident! No worries:)
Trying to work out the white balance here...
Oh wait...this one is not in jammas...and does not have bed head...and is not one of my kids (technically:).
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