Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"My Delivery is Coming"...and other stuff.

Its funny how children who are made up of the same DNA can be so completely different! Jessalyn lives to be on stage..performing for anyone who will watch. She will sing, dance..memorize lines..whatever it takes. Its just "in her".

Then there is Ethan. He loves music, loves to sing....but don't ask him to do it on demand, and especially not in front of anyone! We've been trying to get him to do some of the One Voice stuff for a while now but he just doesn't want anything to do with it. Its fine. We don't pressure him and know that this kind of stuff isn't for everybody.

This past Sunday (Palm Sunday) the "Young Adult Worship Team" lead worship. We decided to do the song "My Deliverer" by the late and great Rich Mullins. You know..."my deliverer is coming, my deliverer standing by". We had the kids from children's church come on stage with us and sing that chorus part throughout the song. It actually turned out OK..I think.

Anyway..Ethan is part of children's church and for the first time in his life was WILLING to sing on stage with all the other kids! I was so excited. He was excited too and I think he actually liked it!

So the funny part of this is what we noticed while he was practicing. At home he would sing his little heart out..and would sing this...

"My DELIVERY is coming, my DELIVERY is standing by"

I didn't have the heart to tell him he was singing it wrong..because he was finally willing to do it. I just let him sing it that way:) It is pretty cute. I didn't get any video or pics of Ethan's stage debut :) because I was playing drums and Josh was singing and playing the guitar. I actually didn't even get to see his face because I was behind him:( I heard he looked cute though!

Now whenever I have a package on the way...or am waiting for pizza..I will have this song in my head.

And..in other news:) Finally..at 11 months and 1 week old Owen is starting to walk!!! He is taking more and more steps on his own now. Its still not full blown all the time walking...but he is trying to walk from thing to thing much more often. Even as of yesterday morning he wasn't interested...but something clicked last night and now he's practicing alot! It seems like it has taken him forever to figure this out...since at this age Luke had already been walking for a couple of months! Later walking like this has proven to be MUCH less stressful though. He has so much more control and goes much slower.

Here are some pics...


Heath said...

And when you are expecting number five you'll be humming that tune for all nine months!

Kann said...

Go Owen Go!!! Now you and Sam can run together when we come visit next!!!

Great job Ethan! We knew you could do it!

And I thought by the title of this entry you were trying to tell us something!!! lol!

Kristin said...

Ha ha! I hadn't even thought that one might get the wrong idea by the title of this post. Maybe I should edit it....

..or maybe I won't. I let people wonder for a second:)
